August 2018

Skipper Butterfly Doodles

Rose Doodles


Here’s to Another Year my Dear

One year ago today, I attended my college orientation and got lucky enough to have my gaze fall upon a gentle gentleman with really nice hands in an “artist’s hat” that wasn’t actually an artist’s hat. Fast forward through a couple months of little Snapchat videos and journals brimming with doodles and poems centered around the butterflies that infested my chest every time he so much as looked at me (let alone flash me that million dollar smile or – gasp, a hug) only to find ourselves entangled in one another’s worlds before becoming my universe. Fated only to grow stronger and bloom beautifully more and more with every passing today, here’s to another year my dear.

Source: Here’s to Another Year my Dear

Pink Roses 02

Street Lights

Birthday 2018 pt. I // HIGHLIGHTS

Birthday 2018 pt. II // HIGHLIGHTS


My Brain 01 // 8.23.18

Sketchbook Tour // August – September 2018

Songs of the Month // August 2018

tripped now i’m fallin’,
off trees like it’s already autumn,
leafing over new starts as if i haven’t already blossomed,
sleepin’ on my passions as if i’m playin’ possum,
sleepin’ playin’ passive as if time isn’t passin’,
as if getting older doesn’t diminish the weight of your accomplishments,
cause at least you’re still acomplishin’ shit?
still too long and i drift to sleep,
but only if the sun’s out or else i can’t catch a wink,
lost in my own world all i ever do is think,
think we outta be connected by string can telephones,
step into my mind so i’m not all alone,
send you sweet nothings all night long,
through these string can telephones,
send you sweet nothings all night long,
through this string can telephone,
though let it be known,
your empathy breaks the bounds of telepathy,
somehow, you manage to see right through me,
ride my wave length,
tell me sweet nothings all day long,
we don’t need no string can telephone

Source: Songs of the Month // August 2018