Penelope Peru Photography

Songs of the Month // September 2019

4.26.18 // 13:21

fall is calling but my phone’s been on silent,
so i apologize for the lapse in my writing,
i’m swaying with the trees,
i’m blowing with the leaves,
i’m weathering the inconsistencies,
sweatin through sunny days spent longing for a breeze,
clinging tight to the sheets on rainy nights,
the storm clouds roll over like suddenly everything’s all right,
all bright like the changing hues,
consuming my point of view,
vision’s tunneling,
self love is a siphon i’ve been encouraged to start funneling,
’cause my best work pays when it’s done for myself,
instead of always worrying about everyone else,
maybe i should try changing with the leaves,
maybe i should try shaking up the trees,
maybe i should shake off all the appease,
so when fall calls and i don’t answer,
i’m sorry, my phone’s been on silent so i can schedule some me time in my planner.

songs of the month – sept 2019 | burgundy bug
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