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A Casual Review and Playthrough of Suits: a Business RPG | Part Two

Floyd’s Office on the 14th floor of the Office District

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Read Part One First!

Saving lives from those who beat their wives. Let’s continue our descent into corporate corruption in the Office District with the second installation of A Casual Review and Playthrough of Suits: a Business RPG.

Deano in the Lobby of the Office District

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Upon graduating, you will find yourself in the Lobby of the Office District. Deano, who I can only assume is the receptionist, will give you a “free” water bottle. “Free” as in, he says the cost will be deducted from your next paycheck. 

Oh, corporate culture and the mess that is consumerism! 

Other than Deano, there isn’t much else to interact with – at least, not much else that I could find. This entire district is brimming with easter eggs, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the developers squeezed something else in here that completely went over my head. 

Keep in mind that I will probably definitely end up missing a few things. This is only a “casual” playthrough, after all. 

Mr. Tuits after the graduation ceremony

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

If you attempt to re-enter the room you came from, you will be greeted by your former teacher, Mr. Tuits, who continues to dismiss the massacre of your graduating class as “just business.” Deep.

The only option from here is to exit the Lobby and re-enter the Office District.

The Office District loading screen

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Residents and Coworkers within the Office District

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

More absurdist dialog and dark humor await within the Office District. It’s worth interacting with the residents and coworkers, not only for their antics, but for any potential gifts or advice they may have to offer. 

Don’t be afraid to snoop through their stuff either and collect goodies from the crates within their houses. 

Speaking of goodies, there is also a vendor in the Office District by the name of BigBuy Clerk. He sells sandwiches, water bottles, coffee, suits, ties, and other helpful supplies. 

Following the bikes to the left of BigBuy Clerk, you will find a bike shop that’s… Well, you guessed it – full of bikes. However, the owner isn’t there, as he has moved. 

In his note, he’ll also ask you not to dig through his trash. Naturally, this means you have to dig through his trash. 

In a home located on the left-hand side of the Office District below the bike shop, a man who bares the likeness of any other coworker will mention urbanization’s ecological footprint before a battle breaks out. 

Ratking in the Office District

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

The Ratking bites hard, but he’s certainly not impossible to throw down with. This battle only took me a few attacks and a sandwich break.

A note from Braix in the house of Ratking

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

After kicking Ratking’s tusche, you’ll find a note from Braix, who now lives on the 52nd floor of the Office Building. However, it isn’t time to head up there just yet. 

On the opposite end of the Office District, a coworker will complain of an odor coming from the house he’s standing next to. Upon entering the home, you will be greeted by a corpse. 

Corpse in a home on the right-hand side of the Office District

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Yikes. The sight of the suicide kinda makes the guy outside’s joke about his mama’s alfredo sauce seem sorta distasteful. 

I’m also starting to notice that reverse psychology seems to be a running theme in Suits

Although, our protagonist may also be struggling with Oppositional Defiant Disorder.  

In any case, jump into that painting Super Mario 64 style to find yourself in a land that resembles Saturn Valley, an area from yet another classic Nintendo staple, Earthbound.

GOg0 worshipers within the painting

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Although the area doesn’t visually resemble Saturn Valley, I draw my comparison from the quirky dialect of these people who worship GOg0, as well as Gog0 himself. The varying case and swarms of sheeple stroke me as a delightful nod towards Mr. Saturn.

Go-Go Runny Man, fastest runner in the land

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Go-Go Runny Man hits a bit harder than the Ratking, so make sure you’ve paid a visit to BigBuy Clerk and saved at the telephone outside of the Office Building before engaging in this battle. I recommend stocking up on sandwiches and water bottles, as well as investing in some equipment. 

After beating firing Go-Go, you’ll exit the painting back into the house with the corpse. Now it’s time to head for the Office Building. 

Fyre in the Office Building of the Office District

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

The receptionist in the Office Building, Fyre, will ask you to burn some Tax Fraud Papers in the boiler room of the basement. Before you can take the elevator anywhere else, you’ll have to pay your boss a visit on the 14th floor. 

Floyd in the Boss Room of the Office Building

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Just like Braix’s note in the Ratking’s house, Floyd will also tell you to head on up to the 52nd floor of the Office Building. 

Stay with me here, ’cause there’s a bit of running around you should do before taking the elevator to the 52nd floor in order to fulfill Floyd’s assignment.

Remember that key item from the bike shop, the “THING THAT CAN GET YOU TO COME TO ME”? This is where it’ll come in handy. Take the elevator down one to the 13th floor and walk forward just a tad bit to reveal a secret passage way.

A voice on the 13th floor of the Office Building

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

This path will only reveal itself if – and only if – you picked through the trashcan in the bike shop. 

Follow along and you will meet a groovy guy by the name of Jerome, who will join your party whether you like it or not. 

Jerome on the 13th floor of the Office Building

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Head back to the elevator and go all the way up to the roof for more themes of suicide and the pivotal crowbar. 

The Roof of the Office Building

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Once you get your hands on the crowbar, it’s time to hop back on that elevator and take it to the first floor before taking it aaaaaall the way down to the basement, B. You haven’t forgotten about those tax fraud papers already, have you?

The Basement and Boiler Room of the Office Building

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Although you could head back up to the first floor to redeem your reward from Fyre, the basement is definitely worth exploring. 

To the left of the boiler is a crack in the wall. Enter the crack for a present, 3 cups of Joe.

Much like the basement of Zone 0 in OFF, you will randomly encounter and battle ghosts as you walk around.

Random ghost encounters in the basement of the Office Building

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Although the attacks of the Coffee Mug and Lost Tie don’t yield all that much damage, you will generally encounter them in clusters. It’s a good thing you’ve got Jerome on your side!

Located in the back right-hand corner of the basement are two enemies by the name of Mortis and Batter, further confirming my suspicion that OFF had a hand in influencing the development of Suits

Mortis in the basement of the Office Building

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

While Mortis just sorta screams a whole lot, lowering your defense, the ghost has a mighty amount of health. Keep battling and chowing down on sandwiches as needed. 

After defeating Mortis, you will receive a haunted tie and a Skeleton Key. 

Rewards from defeating Mortis

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Batter in the basement of the Office Building

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

The battle with Batter isn’t all too difficult, either. After grand slamming both battles, take the elevator back up to the first floor and talk to Fyre to get your reward for burning the tax fraud papers. 

Fyre’s reward for burning the tax fraud papers

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Now’s the time to save and spend some of the cash you earned in the basement at BigBuy Clerk’s shop. Upgrade your equipment, stock up on sandwiches, and go up to the roof one last time for another easter egg. 

The skeleton key retrieved from defeating Mortis will unlock an area behind the elevator on the roof, which contains the present Kiss of Judy.

Kiss of Judy hidden behind the elevator on the Roof

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Now it’s time to pay a visit to the 52nd floor. 

Despite the rows and rows of houses, you will only be able to enter the two at the far end of the right-hand side. However, you can still interact with other houses along the way. 

Xavier on the 52nd floor of the Office Building

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

By sheer coincidence, Xavier happens to be the name of my partner, XtaSeay, who was sitting by my side as I played through this part of Suits: a Business RPG. Needless to say, we were both a little shook by this part. Ha. 

As Xavier (the NPC in Suits, not the love of my life sitting by my side) had warned, there certainly is a man located in a house at the end of the hall who is beating wives… err… noses?

Wife Beater Peter on the 52nd floor of the Office Building

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

Give Wife Beater Peter his just desserts, ending his reign of terror on wives throughout the Office District. As long as you made sure to upgrade your equipment and stock up on grub, this boss fight shouldn’t give you too much trouble. 

Pop on into the house one over to the left of Wife Beater Peter’s. Inside, you will find the lead Floyd assigned you to make your first sale to, the Old Lady

Old Lady in her home located on the 52nd floor of the Office Building

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

In perfect synchrony, XtaSeay and I turned to each other and said, “Doesn’t she remind of you that old lady from Spongebob!?” Although he drew a connection to Granny from Have You Seen This Snail? I initially attributed her likeness to Mary’s Mother from Chocolate with Nuts.

The Old Lady’s initial attacks won’t leave you wincing too much, but her wheel chair will transform into 01-D midway through the battle. 

The Old Lady’s Wheel Chair transforms into 01-D

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

01-D packs a PUNCH! I hope you had enough left over from your fight with Wife Beater Peter. Don’t forget about the Tasty Sandwich from defeating Batter, which will restore a whopping 200 HP! 

The aftermath of defeating 01-D

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

CEO [Floyd] Roberts will summon you back to his office on the 14th floor of the Office Building after defeating 01-D. Don’t worry, you’ve only defeated the Old Lady’s wheel chair. You haven’t just pummeled an elderly woman to death. Not yet, at least, anyways. 

Floyd will give you 500 dollars and a ticket to enter the Law District under the pretenses that you follow up with the courts and ensure the Old Lady is put behind bars for not making a purchase. 

Floyd’s instructions

Suits: a Business RPG | Technomancy Studios

That just about sums up the Office District for now!

Continue the casual review and playthrough with A Casual Review and Playthrough of Suits: a Business RPG | Part Three!

In the mean time, don’t forget to show Suits: a Business RPG a little love. Check it out on Steam and give the game a go yourself for just $0.99!

Stay tuned for blog posts and more this upcoming year. If you’re interested in having an article published on P³, please submit a contact form.

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